Does Medicaid Cover Bathroom Equipment

Now medicare will cover commode chairs but don t expect coverage for comfort items.
Does medicaid cover bathroom equipment. If medicare does cover the supply you need it ll fall under part b benefits. Equipment that is not suitable for use in the home. Medicare part b also generally covers commode chairs. No prior authorization for specified medical equipment and medical supply items.
Before discussing medicaid s role in paying for durable medical equipment dme it is helpful to briefly explain how medicaid works. However medicare does not generally consider bathroom aids such as grab bars to be covered durable medical equipment. To get coverage for most bathroom safety devices you will generally need additional insurance. Access generally follow medicare s criteria for durable medical equipment dme items that are used in the bathroom.
Keep in mind that medicaid may cover some forms of equipment that medicare will not cover. Medicare typically doesn t cover certain types of durable equipment such as hearing aids and adaptation items like bathroom grab bars and safety ramps but this coverage varies by state. You may need to rent the equipment. There are different ways by which medicare covers bathroom equipment.
Disposable medical supplies are occasionally covered for items such as diabetic testing and administering supplies feeding tubes and colostomy supplies. Supplies include commode chairs crutches and walkers. Medicare will only cover your dme if your doctors and dme suppliers are enrolled in medicare. You may be able to choose whether to rent or buy the equipment.
1 950 maximum benefit year for incontinence products and products must be obtained from a contracted vendor. Most dme items used in the bathroom are considered by medicare to be personal convenience items. Medicare pays for different kinds of dme in different ways. Medicaid related programs may provide coverage for certain types of bathroom equipment if a healthcare professional prescribes its use for a recipient with mobility issues but the recipient may be limited on which brand or what type of bathroom equipment they can order.
Depending on the type of equipment. Aetna s hmo based and health network plans hmo qpos health network only health network option golden medicare and u s. This includes some types of dme used in hospitals or skilled nursing facilities snfs like paraffin bath units and oscillating beds. You may need to buy the equipment.
For example medicare will cover supplies that help lower the risk of falls. Medicare part b generally does cover durable medical equipment such as walkers and canes that may give you increased stability while using the bathroom. Medicare coverage for bathroom safety equipment.